Policy Statement Overview
BTC technical Solutions LTD believes strongly in operating with ethical principles and good stewardship. BTC LTD seeks to ensure that it only purchases goods that are produced and delivered under conditions that do not involve the abuse or exploitation of any persons and that such goods or services provided have the least negative impact on the environment. These considerations will form part of the evaluation and selection criteria for all goods purchased by and services provided to BTC LTD.
The purpose of the policy is to:
BTC LTD recognizes that our commercial activities have potential to impact on our suppliers and our locality. As a socially responsible business our suppliers, local community and customers have a right to expect:
We therefore proudly guarantee that we trade according to the following Ethical Trading Criteria and The ETI Base Code
Labour Standards
1. Employment is freely chosen
2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
3. Working conditions are safe and hygienic
4. There will be no use of child labour
5. Living wages shall be paid
6. Working hours are not excessive
7. No discrimination within the Company
8. Regular employment is provided
9. No harsh or inhumane treatment of people allowed
Environmental Standards
1. BTC Limited and our suppliers should as a minimum comply with all statutory and other legal requirements relating to the environment impacts of their business.
2. Adhere to Waste management and recycling procedures
3. Conservation of scarce resources including water, plants, and animals
4. Efficient energy use to reduce the impact of Global warming
Business behaviour
It is expected that BTC Limited and its suppliers have or are working towards having statements and policies for:
1. Health and Safety
2. Quality
3. Equal Opportunities
4. Training Development
5. Ethical Standards
6. Diversity
7. Environmental management
8. Social Objectives
9. Legislative requirements
Operating Principles
BTC Limited will
1. Communicate its commitment to the Code of Conduct to employees as well as to suppliers of goods
2. Provide training and guidelines for relevant personnel
3. Adopt appropriate methods and systems for monitoring and verifying the achievement of the standards
BTC Technical Solutions Limited expects suppliers to
1. Complete and return the BTC Limited’s Supplier Questionnaire.
2. Accept responsibility for labour and environmental conditions under which products are made in all circumstances
3. Make a written Statement of Intent regarding the Company’s policy in relation to the Code of Conducts and how it will be implemented and communicate this to staff and suppliers
Both BTC Limited and its suppliers will abide by the principles of the Code of Conduct whenever possible and always when within the capabilities of the organization
Qualifications to the policy statement
BTC Limited can accept neither uncontrolled cost increase nor drops in quality. It accepts appropriate internal costs but will work with suppliers to achieve required ethical standards as far as possible at no increase in cost or decrease in quality.
Name Johnson Mannie
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